Design by:
My Arts Desire
Himstedt Heaven
Marie's husband visiting Kay Poppenatelier in The Netherlands
Marie's husband visited Amsterdam and was so nice to drop by Kay Poppenatelier in Gorinchem and take pictures
of the store that is filled with beautiful Himstedt dolls. Thanks so much for letting us use these pictures.
The town, Gorinchem, where Kay Poppenatelier lies.
The store seen from the street.
Welcome to the real "Himstedt Heaven".
Many of the 2004 dolls.
Maxi, Siri, Miri, Elsa, and Cinderella with Fiene and Tilly sitting in front.
Cinderella, Emilie, and Jella.
Beautiful Aschenputtel.
Cute Ineke.
Mari and Elina.
Pauline and Henni.
Ginni, Jani, and Liri with Lilli and Lise in front.
Liri and Liri
Look at those adorable twins.
Cute Julika.
Little Maxi redressed.
Little Moni redressed with Becki.
Little Lisi redressed.
Lisi ready for the Winter.
Natalie dressed up.
Stunning Princess Moonstar.
Masterpiece Mariechen.
Masterpiece Hedi.
Minni and Gitta.
Minni and Liri.
Wonderful Sina.
Sina and Fina
Fina, the troublemaker.
Lovely Silvi.
Little Ginni.
Miki redressed.